Within the heart of our community, a beautiful chapter unfolds as we celebrate the triumphant journey of S.M., a single mom, and dedicated member of WAYS. With the arrival of her second child, a new baby girl, S.M. continues to thrive in the WAYS' EVERY MOTHERS ADVOCATE (EMA) program. S.M. meets weekly at WAYS for a one-on-one parenting lesson with her EMA advocate. S.M. enjoys the Empowered Parenting lessons she shares with her EMA advocate as they talk through each chapter. She finds the parenting techniques she learned from the curriculum very helpful and utilizes them daily. S.M. is a shining example of a young mother who seizes every opportunity to learn and improve. She embodies the essence of determination and embraces the power of community.
Visit our website to learn more about the EMA program and how you can embark on a journey of empowerment, motivation, and achievement alongside one of our members.