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In Need of Wraparound Youth Services? 

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Welcome to
WAYS for Life


WAYS for Life, formerly known as Ready for Life Brevard, is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and drop-in center for youth ages 15-25 in Brevard County, Florida. We provide Wraparound Youth Services (WAYS) to help teens and young adults avoid homelessness and crime. We assist youth in removing barriers to their success by utilizing lifeline support networks. 

We help youth find resources and creative solutions to issues such as housing, legal, employment, education, transportation, health care, wellness, and counseling. We understand that until immediate basic needs are met, it is nearly impossible to contemplate the future. We believe all youth should have equal opportunities for a successful future.   

WAYS has served over 180 members and 52 dependents since opening its doors in 2020!


Our Mission

WAYS for Life provides wraparound youth services for teens and young adults formerly in foster care and those experiencing homelessness. In addition to supporting the successful transition to adulthood, we promote awareness of the needs of our members in our community and beyond.

Our Vision

We are a diverse, family-like community that supports, inspires, and empowers the youth and young adults we serve.

Meet the Team

Get to know the people who lend their time, expertise, and most importantly, their hearts in order to make things happen.

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Who We Serve

We serve youth ages 15-25 who are aging out of foster care, unaccompanied, or at risk of experiencing homelessness, exclusively in Brevard County. Since opening our doors in 2020, we have served over 345 members and more than 165 dependents.

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